Petscop 12

You're free!

This is the first mention of Belle's real name. She's been running the game for 17 years somehow. She isn't family, yet she's close enough to get "reborn". Rainer put Belle into the machine seen later and did something wrong. It's all worded like they're talking about all of this in real life and not in the game. Whatever went wrong it did something to Rainer too.

Making this one was fun. I had a bit of trouble keeping the hair smooth, but I figured out a workaround. I went ahead and rendered the head all on its own in decently high resolution, you can find that here. I'm using it as a discord emote, and right now I'm going through all the pages and changing their bookmark icons to Belle. The 2019 site will have Naul, and this site will have Belle.

The video description has the old channel description from when this was uploaded. It says that the channel is meant to "preserve and display the recordings within the video game 'Petscop' ", which implies it means that it is preserving the recorded player inputs from Belle, Marvin, Paul, and others. It then says "Paul created some additional recordings in 2017 as a way to show Petscop gameplay to his friend. He created this account in order to upload those additional recordings in video format.", they're making it clear that they're talking about two types of recording.

"He later passed ownership of the channel to us, but continued to record himself at our strong suggestion. Though he had issues with the arrangement, these have finally been settled." sounds really ominous. I have a theory I'll get into later (I keep saying this..) when we get to episode 16.

I also got to learn about compositing in Blender, I had Belle's head on its own layer which was mixed above the other one. That kept it always in front. I'll be using that method later in the big final render.