
Hi! It's me again. You've already seen the main page of this, so you know the deal. I decided on doing tiny header images at the top, just to make it interesting. I'm expecting most of them to be relevant things that I'm also drawing in the margins of my work in real life. There's also a back and a forward button at the bottom so that this is less of a pain to read once it's really going or finished. You're welcome, future me (and readers too!).

I've watched the first Petscop video again tonight, of course. Petscop felt so real this early on. It really did seem like a real unfinished game. Of course, I only found it some episodes in. I only started getting so deep into it after the first few episodes. Still, it's crazy to think that it's almost been five years.

It's crazier, oddly enough, to think that this is the third year in a row I'm doing this. Maybe it feels crazier than the five years because it's less, so it's less of an abstract thing? Three years feels like too much and too little, it feels like a lot but saying it feels like a lot feels silly. 2019 and before feel like ages ago, and they were in a sense. What sense should I be thinking in? If I said to a group of people, "way back in 2019", what amount of them would question it?

Doing something daily used to be this monster to me, back in 2019. In 2020 I got the hang of it, but had some close calls. This year, I've actually been doing something else daily since September. I have a huge MSPaint canvas, each day I go and I add another drawing of Care to it. Sometimes, if they're good enough and it's been long enough since I posted one, I put them on my Twitter. I'm keeping that separate from this, that canvas is its own thing.

It all gets me thinking, where will I be a year from now exactly? Will that canvas still be going? I wonder if I'll have figured something out for that year, or if I'm content with what there is. I don't want to just do 2D art again, or just do 3D models again, at the moment I'd like it to be a little different every year. I'd like to get good enough at 2D art that the difference in quality is enough, I suppose. 2D isn't something I've been prioritizing lately, and it's starting to bother me. No promises though, I'm already making this because I have corrections on things I said in the past!

Alright, I think I've written enough. I'm hoping none of these end up being short. Looking at this one, I'm fine for tonight. I shouldn't talk too much or else I'll really run out of things to say! On the other hand, I mostly spoke about myself. It's only the first episode, so I'll allow it.

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